É ufficiale: JIMMY DIAZ torna a far parte dell’ international team NORTH SAILS All News - SurfTribe.it

É ufficiale: JIMMY DIAZ torna a far parte dell’ international team NORTH SAILS

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É ufficiale: JIMMY DIAZ torna a far parte dell’ international team NORTH SAILS, e siamo orgogliosi di presentarlo come nuovo capo del NORTH SAILS RND-Team.

E diamo anche il benvenuto all’interno del NORTH SAILS WINDSURFING TEAM a Estredo Perez detto "Gollito" uno dei talenti più promettenti del mondo windsurf.

... after several years working for Neil Pryde as head tester in charge of the development for the entire range, combined with a linking-position between RND-center and marketing department, NORTH SAILS WINDSURFING is very proud to present Jimmy Diaz as a new member of the international NORTH SAILS-team. Together with NORTH SAILS he can further establish his position in the formula-scene and to compete more than in the past on formula-/race-level. Furthermore he will be the head of our RND-/testing-team together with Micah Buzianis, Nik Baker and Greg Allaway on Maui, to guarantee the leading edge position of NORTH SAILS in windsurfinng rigs for the future. Useless to say, that a “windsufing-genius” like JIMMY DIAZ is an advantage for every windsurfingbrand and together with the other members of the RND-team we can expect further, revolutionary products, to underline our technological aspects.able to make the lives around him richer. Anything else to add “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

“GOLLITO” Jose Gregorio Estredo Perez
NOW IT`S OFFICIAL: We are proud to present “Gollito” Estredo Perez as a new team-member in the international NORTH SAILS WINDSURFING TEAM.

Jose Gregorio Estredo Perez, simply named “Gollito”, made his first time attentive outside of Venezuela when he was thirteen years old and appeared on the Cover of the French Planchmag. Insider in El Yaque knew him already as one of the most promising talents in the windsurfing scene. When he finally came up one year later with the complete Worldcup-Pro move-repertoire it was time for him to compete in the PWA-Tour. Directly within his first year in the PWA Worldcup he could convince everybody of his amazing talent and driving aibility, especially with the 7th place at the hard core Spot Pozo. In the PWA overall ranking he already finished 16th.
At the moment Gollito is working hard on new, spectacular move creations to come up in his own, "young guns style” to beat the PWA-Elite in 2005.
É ufficiale: JIMMY DIAZ torna a far parte dell’ international team NORTH SAILS
É ufficiale: JIMMY DIAZ torna a far parte dell’ international team NORTH SAILS
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